Jorge Ramos
Oct 24, 2021
In her prior role as a Staff Attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), Samantha Serna Uribe spoke Univision's Jorge Ramos in a Spanish interview regarding the challenge to Texas' legislative redistricting maps and legal arguments before a Texas district court.
"Los mapas no son justos, no representan los cambios que ha tenido nuestra poblacón aqí en Texas. Como explicaste, los detalles del censo enseñan que los latinos crecieron casi la mitad de los 4 millones de personas aqí en el estado de texas, pero no hay una nueva creación de un nuevo distrito electoral aqí en los mapas."
Translation: "The maps are not fair, they do not represent the changes that our population has had here in Texas. As you explained, the details of the census show that Latinos grew to almost half of the 4 million people here in the state of Texas, but there was no new [Latino-majority] electoral district created here on the maps."
Source: Univision. “¿Cómo afecta la participación electoral de los latinos tras los cambios aprobados en Texas?”. 24 October 2021.